As I continued to read slaughter house five I read about Roland Weary.I instantly looked at the people iv e known through out my life and tried to look for anyone that was similar to the cruel gunner ,thats saves Billy s life constantly as Billy is traumatized by war .I couldn't find anyone similar to Roland Weary but I was reminded of Diego my driver in Medellin .I couldn't explain to myself why I hadn't connected Diego to Slaughter House 5 .So I decided to write about Diego's story .
Last year in Christmas I had to drive 4 hours to a town north of Medellin.Since it was a long ride I talked a lot to my driver Diego . We started talking about soccer but then he told me he was going to tell me something he doesn't tell to much people .He began telling me the story of his life how he was born in la comuna 13 were life was really tough .He had only studied up till the fifth grade and he had later dropped out because he needed to help support his family .When he turned 18 he decided to join the army .He told me being in the army was a really big thing for him since all his life he had grown up surrounded by violence .He felt he could finally do something to stop the violence .So he said he put a lot of effort in the first month of his military career .Soon Diego became the best at everything shooting , jogging ,doing the obstacle track and lots of other training exercises.Diego was suppose to continue his Military training for about a year but because of his exceptional effort he was offered a position in the GAULA .The GAULA is an elite unit that specializes in extortion and in kidnaping .Diego accepted the position instantly .
Diego began to tell me about all his dangerous missions in el GAULA.He told me he had been shot twice and that god forgave him but he couldn't remember how many people he had killed . I asked him what was the worst mission he had ever had instantly he looked out the window and said ‘bro that is something that I am never going to forget’’.

Their was a long pause and then Diego began telling me the story about Anna a 12 year old girl that had been kidnapped in the comuna 13 .Anna's parents didn't have enough money to pay off her freedom to the bandits that had kidnapped her.Since Diego knew the comuna 13 so well he was assigned the mission of rescuing Anna .Diego told me how it all began.He woke up at 4 am that day and went on to the comuna dressed as a civilian with 5 other undercover agents of el GAULA .Diego was scared all the agents that were sent to that mission had much more experience than he did.The plan was that two of the agents would be in a taxi driving around the suspects house. The two other agents would be blocking the possible escape routes the criminals could take.Last but definitely not least Diego would go into the the house and take the little girl out on his motorcycle . Diego described to me as he got of the motorcycle and he grabbed strongly to his rosario praying for the ‘’virgencita’’ to bring him out of this one alive .He then described to me that as he entered the house their seemed to be nobody their .He went down to the garage of the house to find a locked room . He instantly informed his partners through the radio .He was given the order to go into the room with one of his partners.Diego forced the door open to find nobody their,but as he looked in the closet he found a skinny girl with her arms full of little cuts and mosquito bites.
Diego's eyes filled with tears as he described to me the little girl body.He continued telling me the story .He instantly carried the girl out of there but to his surprise when he got out of the house their was nobody their.He took his motorcycle and began driving down the curvy streets of the comuna with his partner and the little girl on his motorcycle .They soon found the the cab that was waiting for them .Diego went and asked them what had happened why they had left. His partners replied that their was orders for them to go and arrest the criminals and for Diego to take the girl out of the dangerous comuna as soon as possible .

Diego's eyes filled with tear again and he said to me “and here Pedro bro is were I committed the most terrible mistake I have ever committed’’ .I asked what it was and he said i put the girl in the back of the motorcycle instead of the front. I instantly asked him what was so terrible about that and he said I would figure out later .He told me he took off as fast as he could but as he was going down the streets he noticed that on one of the roof tops there were 3 guys heavily armed .He slowed down and tried to act normal so that he wouldn't stand out .Diego had lived in the comuna so he knew that if who called lots of attention you could get shot easily.Diego also knew that the territory they were in was ruled by the paramilitares or the ‘’paracos’’ as he called them.The chances of those gunned men being paracos were high as the chances of them working together with the kidnapers were also high.Diego described to me how he slowly passed through the building but when he finally thought he was safe he heard a loud boom! boom! .Again there was a long pause and then Diego's eyes filled with tears again and he said “Pedrito i knew what that sound was it was an ak 47, the same sound I had heard all my childhood’’.There was another long pause and Diego said to me “i knew she had been shot she was right behind me and i had put here behind me instead of in front of me” .Diego was talking about Ana .I instantly understood why he had told me putting Ana on the back of his motorcycle had been such a big mistake.Ana Had been shot. Diego told me that he didn't even stop he just got out of the comuna as fast as he could.When he finally got of the comuna he met with some of the back up that had been organized for them.When he got of his bike he took the girl and noticed three shots in here back.Diego knew that she had been shot in the lungs and that the chances of her surviving were none.Diego was in such a rush that he didn't realize that he himself had been shot in the knee.When Diego was getting out of the car he fainted because of all the blood he had lost.
Ana and Diego were both rushed to the Hospital . Diego made it but Ana died before the could even get here to the hospital.Diego then began telling me how this had changed his life how after this he couldn't sleep and how he had to be taken to the psychiatrist .He then pulled out of his pockets some pills and told me still now a days even though 8 years had passed he has to take one of these pills a day to keep him calm.After this i began talking to Diego about how it definitely wasn't his fault and how good he had been etc.Soon Diego switched topics and we were back to soccer again.We talked about soccer till we got there.
I think Diego's story totally connects to the text because even though he lives in a totally different place and time than billy , even though Diego fought a completely different war,Both Diego and billy were traumatized by war .