As I finished Candide Voltaire's critic was clear.He talked about how in life we weren't suppose to stop and think about things like: why is their evil in the world? We should simply continue to work no matter what because it wasn't our business it was Gods business. We humans were simply brought to this earth to work , thinking about other things would be a waste of time.Voltaire is criticizing how the church wants people to think about life as something temporary that dosent last.He criticizes how the church asked the people not to complain or worry about the bad things that happen to them, but to simply trust God and his judgment and accept that it is all for the best.
I have always thought that one of the side topics or critics of Candide is the pursuit of happiness.All through out the book most of the characters are searching for happiness.The characters as we all know only face catastrophes and disgraces one after an other.How ever this dosent stop them from continuing to pursuit happines.
As I finished the book I started to think about my beliefs(I am a very catholic person).I noticed that every time something bad happens to me there is nothing that helps me feel better than knowing that God is looking after me and that this was all for the best.Despite me reading this book I still believe this is true.My aunt once told me this story about a girl who never believed in God.One day she had a very important business meeting since she felt nervous she went to mass before going to the meeting.As she was coming out of the church she was in a car crash.Her car was trashed and she never even got to the meeting because she had to stay there and solve things with the other person involved in the crash.after a whole afternoon of figting with the other driver and seeing her beloved car being trashed she finally arrived home.She was exhausted and went to sleep.That night in her dreams God appeared and spoke to her and said “My beloved dont be mad this morning as you were leaving for the meeting there was a big Land slide in the road that you were going to take since you were hit by that car you weren't able to take that road however if you had you would have died.”The girl woke up sacred and turned on her radio to here in the morning news how there had been a huge land slide in the road that she took every morning to work.
What ever Voltaire might have thought I truly believe than everything in this world happens for the best.I also believe that no matter how hard life hits us or how many tragedies we have to face nobody or anything has the power to take away our right to pursuit happiness.