sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Oh My Love My Beautiful Darling

To be sincere I haven't really found Voltaire's exact critic in respect to lady Cunegonde.How ever what I would like to write about is the theme that lady Cunegonde inserts into the story.The ever lasting love in between the brave man and the innocent women.The long nights staring at the stars with out wanting to sleep but only to think of that beautiful mistress that awaits for them.The difficult moments when the only thing that keeps them going is the thought that one day they may hear her voice again.This is a recurring theme in the text as Candide himself spends most of the book thinking on when and were he will once again meet his so cherished love.
I have seen this theme in many other books ,movies, poems and songs.The reason why is because we humans are fascinated by this theme.In every culture there is always a way in which love is expressed.Love as first sight, eternal love etc these are topics that all go down to this central theme.
I would like to compare Candides love for lady Cunegonde with Don Quijotes love for Dulcinea they are both pretty similar.They both qualify for the standards that I was previously describing.Both Candide and Quijote spend the whole book thinking about there everlasting love.How ever in both books we don't get to learn much about the mistresses. The characters describe them every chapter or so, how ever all they talk about is how beautiful and innocent they are, and how they cant wait to finally meet with them. 

Something that I found pretty funny was the fact that both lady Cunegonde and Dulciena turn out to be ugly.Its funny because throughout the whole book (both books) I had this mental image of Lady Cunegonde  and of Dulciena.I thought they were the most beautiful princess in the world.Don Quijotes and Candides everlasting description are all turned down by the narrator saying “but what is sadder still is that she has lost her beauty and has become terribly ugly”pg 129 .That is all it takes for me to erase the perfect image that I had for both mistresses that image that was so carefully woven into my mind  by Candide and Quijote.

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